
A paragraph of text in an Outline .

Items cannot be created directly. Use Outline::createItem to create items.

Items may contain other child items to form a hierarchy. When you move an item its children move with it. See the “Structure” and “Mutate Structure” sections for associated APIs. To move an item while leaving it’s children in place see the methods in Outline s “Insert & Remove Items”.

Items may have associated attributes. You can add your own attributes by using the APIs described in the “Item Attributes” section. For example you might add a due date using the data-due-date attribute.

Items have an associated paragraph of body text. You can access it as plain text or as an immutable AttributedString . You can also add and remove attributes from ranges of body text. See “Item Body Text” for associated APIs. While you can add these attributes at runtime, TaskPaper won’t save them to disk since it saved in plain text without associated text run attributes.


Create Items:

var item = outline.createItem('Hello World!');

Add attributes to body text:

var item = outline.createItem('Hello World!');
item.addBodyAttributeInRange('B', {}, 6, 5);
item.addBodyAttributeInRange('I', {}, 0, 11);

Reading attributes from body text:

var effectiveRange = {};
var textLength = item.bodyString.length;
var index = 0;
while (index < textLength) {
  console.log(item.getBodyAttributesAtIndex(index, effectiveRange));
  index += effectiveRange.length;



Read-only unique String identifier.


Read-only Outline that this item belongs to.



Clones this item.

Argument Description
deep? defaults to true.
Return Values
Returns a duplicate Item with a new ::id .



Read-only true if item is contained by root of owning Outline .


Read-only true if is ::outline root Item .


Read-only depth of Item in outline structure. Calculated by summing the Item::indent of this item and it’s ancestors.


Read-only parent Item .


Read-only first child Item .


Read-only last child Item .


Read-only previous sibling Item .


Read-only next sibling Item .


Read-only previous branch Item .


Read-only next branch Item .


Read-only Array of ancestor Item s.


Read-only Array of descendant Item s.


Read-only last descendant Item .


Read-only Array of this Item and its descendants.


Last Item in branch rooted at this item.


Read-only previous Item in the outline.


Read-only next Item in the outline.


Read-only has children Boolean .


Read-only Array of child Item s.


Given an array of items determines and returns the common ancestors of those items.

Argument Description
items Array of Item s.
Return Values
Returns a Array of common ancestor Item s.

Determines if this item contains the given item.

Argument Description
item The Item to check for containment.
Return Values
Returns Boolean .

Mutate Structure


Visual indent of Item relative to parent. Normally this will be 1 for children with a parent as they are indented one level beyond there parent. But items can be visually over-indented in which case this value would be greater then 1.

::insertChildrenBefore(children, referenceSibling?)

Insert the new children before the referenced sibling in this item’s list of children. If referenceSibling isn’t defined the new children are inserted at the end. This method resets the indent of children to match referenceSibling’s indent or to 1.

Argument Description
children Item or Array of Item s to insert.
referenceSibling? The referenced sibling Item to insert before.

Append the new children to this item’s list of children.

Argument Description
children Item or Array of Item s to append.

Remove the children from this item’s list of children. When an item is removed its the parent’s ::depth is added to the removed item’s ::indent , preserving the removed items depth if needed later.

Argument Description
children Item or Array of child Item s to remove.

Remove this item from it’s parent item if it has a parent.

Item Attributes


Read-only key/value object of the attributes associated with this Item .


Read-only Array of this Item ‘s attribute names.


Return Boolean true if this item has the given attribute.

Argument Description
name The String attribute name.
::getAttribute(name, clazz?, array?)

Return the value of the given attribute. If the attribute does not exist will return null. Attribute values are always stored as String s. Use the class and array parameters to parse the string values to other types before returning.

Argument Description
name The String attribute name.
clazz? Class ( Number or Date ) to parse string values to objects of given class.
array? Boolean true if should split comma separated string value to create an array.
Return Values
Returns attribute value.
::setAttribute(name, value)

Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute. id is reserved and an exception is thrown if you try to set it. Setting an attribute to null or undefined removes the attribute. Generally all item attribute names should start with data- to avoid conflict with built in attribute names.

Attribute values are always stored as String s so they will stay consistent through any serialization process. For example if you set an attribute to the Number 1.0 when you ::getAttribute the value is the String "1.0". See ::getAttribute for options to automatically convert the stored String back to a Number or Date .

Argument Description
name The String attribute name.
value The new attribute value.

Removes an item attribute.

Argument Description
name The String attribute name.

Item Body Text


Body text as plain text String .


Body “content” text as plain text String . Excludes trailing tags and leading syntax. For example used when displaying items to user’s in menus.


Body text as immutable AttributedString . Do not modify this AttributedString, instead use the other methods in this “Body Text” section. They will both modify the string and create the appropriate Mutation events needed to keep the outline valid.


Syntax highlighted body text as immutable AttributedString . Unlike bodyAttributedString this string contains attributes created by syntax highlighting such as tag name and value ranges.

Do not modify this AttributedString, instead use the other methods in this “Body Text” section. They will both modify the string and create the appropriate Mutation events needed to keep the outline valid.

::getBodyAttributesAtIndex(characterIndex, effectiveRange?, longestEffectiveRange?)
Argument Description
characterIndex The character index.
effectiveRange? Object whose location and length properties are set to effective range of the attributes.
longestEffectiveRange? Object whose location and length properties are set to longest effective range of the attributes.
Return Values
Returns an Object with keys for each attribute at the given character characterIndex, and by reference the range over which the attributes apply.
::getBodyAttributeAtIndex(attribute, characterIndex, effectiveRange?, longestEffectiveRange?)
Argument Description
attribute Attribute String name.
characterIndex The character index.
effectiveRange? Object whose location and length properties are set to effective range of the attribute.
longestEffectiveRange? Object whose location and length properties are set to longest effective range of the attribute.
Return Values
Returns the value for an attribute with a given name of the character at a given characterIndex, and by reference the range over which the attribute applies.
::addBodyAttributeInRange(attribute, value, location, length)

Adds an attribute to the characters in the given range.

Argument Description
attribute The String attribute name.
value The attribute value.
location Start character index.
length Range length.
::addBodyAttributesInRange(attributes, location, length)

Adds attributes to the characters in the given range.

Argument Description
attributes Object with keys and values for each attribute
location Start index.
length Range length.
::removeBodyAttributeInRange(attribute, location, length)

Removes the attribute from the given range.

Argument Description
attribute The String attribute name
location Start character index.
length Range length.
::replaceBodyRange(location, length, insertedText)

Replace body text in the given range.

Argument Description
location Start character index.
length Range length.
insertedText String or AttributedString

Append body text.

Argument Description
text String or AttributedString


Return Values
Returns debug string for this item and it’s descendants.
Return Values
Returns debug string for this item.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""